Saturday, 11 April 2009

What Ever You Do...

... don't let Nicola Morgan click on this link. If she sees those boots she'll get all desperate, and we'll have to up her medication again. Especially now she's read this review of her forthcoming book, Deathwatch. It's due out in June, and you can pre-order it now by clicking on the title.


Nicola Morgan said...

Jane, now I'm really blushing. That was very sweet of you but you've made me all fluttery. Was this the blog post I was meant to be commenting on? You schemer, you! And I thought I was going to have to make some erudite comment on something heavy to do with vanity publishing. And now I'm going to crawl away into a chocolate-filled hole somewhere. Thank you - and I look forward to doing the same for you.

Sally Zigmond said...

I don't usually buy YA books as I am neither young nor an adult. But I am definitely going to make an exception in this case. Sounds great.(But how dare it be published in June? I don't like sharing...)

Jane Smith said...

Oh, my, we're going to have Rival Launches to celebrate in June with both of you swanking around with your new books, aren't we? I shall look forward to that.

Nicola, I do hope you DID actually click on the link and see the boots. I dearly want a pair just like that, even though I doubt I'd be able to even stand upright in them. They are just gorgeous.

Nicola Morgan said...

Of course I did - tell me not to do something and what am I likely to do? And I even added a comment after yours, directed at you.

Sally - as a reader, I love YA books. They are as varied as adult books: there are "good" and "bad" and deep and shallow and cover all the same genres as adult (well, except possibly "adult" ...), and lots of self-respecting adults in the know choose YA fiction for its directness and in-your-faceness. I will definitely buy your June baby, to remember that I'm a grown-up. Kind of. Shall we invited Jane to our launches, do you think? I think she deserves it for telling us about the boots, if nothing else.