Sunday, 8 March 2009

I'll Be Back Soon!

Apologies for my absence: I have a lot of work to finish, and I'm having a bit of trouble with my RSI so I've not posted much this week. I should be back very soon, but meanwhile I have three little requests to make.

Sally Zigmond is writing an article about writers and criticism for Writers' News, and has asked for "comments, anecdotes or opinions about the outcome of any honest criticism you have provided or received". If you'd like to make a contribution, and are an agent, editor or published writer, you can contact her via her blog.

I like to visit and comment on the blog of everyone who follows this one: it seems only good manners (and I'm curious to know who reads me: some of you are very strange!). But over time I suspect I've missed a few of you out, and since Google/Blogger recently changed how following works I'm sure I've missed a few more. So if I've not made an appearance on your side of the internet do post a link in the comments to this thread, and I'll pay you a visit as soon as I can.

On the right-hand side of this blog there's a list of all the different websites and blogs which link back to here. I've added as many of you as I know of but I suspect that the list is still not complete. So, if you've got a link to this blog on your own blog, or on your website, but don't appear in the list then do please let me know: post a brief message in the comments, along with a link, and I'll sort it out.

Normal sporadic blogging will return over the next week or so. Meanwhile, it's snowing here again, and I just heard some thunder. It's lovely weather for March.


Derek said...

Add me! Add me! The link to your blog is on the right hand side under the heading "Book Blogs."

Laurie Paulsen said...

hi, jane--
i've been blogging myself and following yours only for a couple of months yet, but i'd love for you to visit!
thanks for your generosity (and where do you find the time??)
(ooh, and i just found because of your hit counter--very useful. thanks for the circumstantial assistance.)

Feisty Crone said...

We bloggers ARE a strange group!

Jane Smith said...

Derek, you're added to my list. While visiting your blogs I found a wonderful book which I'll no doubt buy for myself (the copyediting one), and I wondered why you don't appear to have signed up to the Amazon Associates program, so you earn money from people clicking forwards and buying books.

Laurie, I've had a thorough poke around on your blog; good luck with your short stories, and congratulations on the sales you've made already--have you entered The Yellow Room's competition? And have you sent me a submission for Greyling Bay? I might have to start nagging...!

And Gran. I'm still envious of your night in the hotel, away from home. Peace, quiet and room-service. What could be better?

HelenMWalters said...

Jane, I've recently linked to your blog from mine.
I've been reading your blog for ages now and find it really useful.

Feisty Crone said...

Ha! Jane, I've gotten used to the time alone, I guess. My son is grown and I have six grandchildren. When I get home, after visiting these children I adore, I sit in my chair and appreciate the quiet. I can appreciate your point.

Derek said...

I wondered why you don't appear to have signed up to the Amazon Associates program

Jane -- I did consider it but decided I didn't want to lower the tone of my blog with anything as vulgar as commerce ;-)

Jacqueline Christodoulou-Ward said...

Hi, I added you ages ago, I love reading your blog, I would really appreciate the add


graywave said...

Jane, You used to be there in a 'blogs I follow' widget on my blogger blog but this obviously doesn't let you know it's there. Anyhoo, I've moved my blog to wordpress now and you have a proper link. Find me at:

Oh, and while I'm here, maybe you could solve a mystery for me. I recently queried an agent about representing my latest novel. He replied asking for 50-75 pages and 'a good outline of the rest'. Since he had a 3-page symopsis with the query, do I assume that an 'outline' is something different? If so, what is it?

none said...

What's strange about a slush-reading squirrel?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane, I'm a follower and I would love you to visit my blogs. One is The Part Time Travel Writer (because that is what I am) on, and the other is my Lewis Carroll blog- I've just written a biography of Carroll.
If you want to post a comment, whatever it is, that would be really great: it's always nice to know that one is not calling into thin air!
Now, to see how to link to your blog from the blogspot one, I'm still new to blogspot.
Jenny Woolf

Anonymous said...

Ah, figured out how to add blogs! You're now on the travel writing one. Thanks for a great blog which is always interesting to read and full of good links.

Anonymous said...


I recently added a blog roll to my site and, of course, you're on it.

I also do regular links of the day (more like links of the week at my pace, though) to try to spread the wealth around -- maybe there are sites out there they'll connect with even better than mine.

Anyway, thank you for your generous comment in the past, and you'll see me around here.

catdownunder said...

Hello Jane
Blame Vanessa at Fidra for putting me on to you.
Blog? What blog? Do you mean those little scratches I make because I am now too lazy to keep a handwritten journal? I can meow (or purr) as I please on my scratching post.
Do you really want to visit Downunder?