Thursday, 30 October 2008

Printing And Production

The Ebury Publishing Blog has a great post about how their production people take books through the printing process, which you can read here. Just reading it makes me remember how nervous I used to get handing my titles over to production, and how terrifying and wonderful it always was to open that first box of real books.

And look at all that paper. Lovely.


Thomma Lyn said...

Hi, Jane! Thank you for the heads up to an interesting and informative post, and may I say you have an excellent blog, filled with solid information and advice.

Thank you for your visit to my blog today and for your kind comment! :)

Jane Smith said...

I'm glad you like it, TL. Come back again, won't you?

Thomma Lyn said...

I sure will -- I just blogrolled you, so I'll be a regular visitor! :)

Jess Haberman said...

It's definitely a good idea to make friends with everyone in the Production department. Not a place for enemies!!
